Wordplay Magazine Review Melanin 9 "Magna Carta"

With the release of Melanin 9's debut album coming up next Monday 3rd December, best get used to this as there will be a whole load of media coverage going live from both sides of the Atlantic and Europe in the next couple of weeks!

Latest is the UK's Wordplay Magazine who have a good range of content from hip hop releases and features, graffiti & paints, fashion and pretty much cover the whole hip hop culture.

Joe Downes gives his full backing with this review http://www.wordplaymagazine.com/2012/11/reviews/melanin-9-magna-carta/

Anyone who prefers CD versions of the album can buy these online via http://m9ether.bandcamp.com

You can keep up to date with him on twitter @Melanin_9 and the magazine @WordPlayMag and their reviewer @JoeyDeezGi

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