New Audio Interview - Matt Maddox speaks with The Word is Bond

Chase March, contributor to the renowned international hip hop online platform The Word is Bond, broadcasts a weekly Rap Radio Hour, and spoke recently to MidWest rapper Matt Maddox about his new album Righteous Fury which released on 25th February

There's been extensive international media coverage over the past couple of months for the ex Guerilla War Tactix member's sophomore album, his first in 4 years following the release of Asylum Artistry. He has taken his time putting the latest release together which he describes as his "most personal to date", and called in the production skills of Skammadix, Nemesis, Sultan Mir, Jedi Mind Tricks' C Lance, Vanderslice, Engineer, The Snowgoons' Sicknature and the UK's Edd Bundy. Throughout the album there is turntablism of the highest caliber courtesy of his Red Phone labelmate DJ TMB.

In addition to his own trademark raucous delivery, the album also benefits from contributions by Tragedy Khadafi, King Magnetic, Reef the Lost Cauze, Adlib, Burke the Jurke and many more

Broadcast originally on Sunday 16th March, the audio stream of the interview was uploaded to The Word of Bond which you can hear at

The album is available in digital and CD formats from a variety of international online stores, released through Red Phone Records & Seven 13 Music

The international iTunes link is

Among many other stores, the CD version can be ordered from

One of the most commonly mentioned tracks has been "No Country For Old men", a tribute to the legends in hip hop and for the traditional values of hip hop itself. Check out the video

Keep up to date with Matt and his labels on twitter @MattMaddox82 @RedPhoneRecords & @Seven13Music and check by the guys over at @TheWordIsBond

All media & press inquiries regarding the Righteous Fury album and Matt Maddox can be sent to UrbanElite PR via

UrbanElite PR
T : @urbanelitepr
